The Elitist

I show up on time – he’s already there and he’s cute! This rarely happens on these dating service dates. I’m thinking, OK! this is a good start! I order a glass of wine and then he’s orders a soda water. Shit. That’s always awkward on a first date and it doesn’t happen very often. Turns out he’s Mormon. Well, he said he was raised Mormon. I was going to ask if that meant he doesn’t practice anymore, but I didn’t want to be pushy. Though if he’s no longer Mormon, wouldn’t he drink? Hmmm…

We talk about traffic and where we live. I ask where he works and he says he works from home, and so do I, so we talk about that. He lives about 30 minutes northeast of the beach and downtown. Pretty far out, in an area that I would never want to live. That’s not a good sign but trying not to make judgements here.

He is a software guy that dropped out of high school and never went to college. Though is VERY different from Biker Dude, in that he is very intellectual and worldly, so not going to school doesn’t bother me that much in this case. He is starting his own business with some friends and it is a sound idea. He just bought a 68 mustang and is working on it, which is super cool. He’s into mixed martial arts, which is cool, but can be intense. Not sure about that one.

Here’s the kicker – he mentioned about 4 different times throughout our date that he is a snob. He said this about food, traveling, work and working out. I can also tell by the way he talks, and he loves to talk, that he is elitist, which is also knows about himself and is ok with it. That’s a pretty big turn off, let me tell you.

We talked about food, and it sounds like he’s a good cook, but I don’t think he would be laid back and fun to cook with. He is very particular about how and what he cooks, and he’s very opinionated about it. He NEVER uses recipes and feels that if he followed a recipe he would be the chef’s “minion”. So he always does things his own way. That’s a little weird, right? I told him I didn’t feel that way at all, and thought it was fun to recreate their dish they way they intended, then make my own changes and try it other ways. He told me 3 more times that’s not how he cooks. Ok, then…

There were a couple other instances like that. He seems very particular about a lot of things and pretty uptight. Though I really like that he travels, is from Canada and has varied interests. I also really love that he’s super active in that he runs, does MMA, and hikes with his dogs. He has never been diving, and would maybe try it. He’s not sure he’s interested in that. He seems like the kind of guy that wouldn’t be inclined to do something he didn’t want to do, even if it was to share an experience with someone he loved. It’s just a hunch, but a strong one.

We did chat for about 3 hours, so we had plenty to talk about. We discussed education and the businesses that we are both starting, and some family stuff. I didn’t really feel a great connection with him. He felt a little cold and a little too uptight. I’m pretty type A, so to balance me out I’ve always thought I needed a more laid back type of person. He is not that.

At the end of these dates it goes one of two ways. You fight the slightly awkward moment and say thank you and walk away without asking for each other’s information, or you exchange business cards or phone numbers. Remember, this is blind date set up for us so we have no way of contacting each other if we don’t get the info.

He asked me if I would like to go out again and I said that would be great, so added my contact info into his phone and texted me so I would have his info. Now, I have done this before and never heard from the guy, so this can still go either way. Some guys just do this so as not to be rude, then never contact you. While he seemed to have enjoyed the evening, as he did most of the talking, you still never know. I didn’t feel a great connection, but am willing to at least go out again though maybe he doesn’t feel the same.Though in my new approach of playing it cool, I will wait for him to contact me. Luckily, there isn’t much stress about it since I’m not that invested and only had an ok time.

Even so, still playing the wait and see if he calls game.

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